I also gave up taking acceptable photos with my pocket camera. I'm trying out photo-shopping my pictures until I manage saving up to buy a better camera. No cut and pasting involved, don't worry. It's mainly to do justice of the colours more than anything. Enjoy! =)
"Spring This Year..." simple jewelry set with crystal, pink jade and faceted light green serpentin. I use sterling silver chain, earwires and a heart rhodium toggle. Light, simple, sweet and stylish!
"Cornelian Dream" Long necklace. An interesting mix between cornelian stones, crystals and biwa pearls. A great piece if you like dangly necklace.
"Sundusk" is a 2 tiered choker necklace using various cornelian stones, sterling silver chain and wire. This piece is slightly experimental, I imagined it, sketched it, failed some experiments and finally came up with this necklace hence the out of the ordinary result.
The following jewelry is heavily influenced with the copper vintage look. Materials are mainly swarovski pearls, swarovski crystals and chains.
"Copper constalation" matching bracelet and necklace. The pearls and crystals are placed randomly but making sure that they are placed in balance. It requires a little bit of putting out and replacing pearls which chews up a bit of time, but I really can't help myself... XD
"Classic Beauty" bracelet, adorned with vintage-like rose charms and other dangling beads. I love this bracelet so much and very tempted to keep it for myself... it's... so... preeetty...
Want to see more pictures or more info? They're all being kept in my Etsy shop so drop by for a visit if you like. Go to www.beadsforpeace.etsy.com and just click on the "New This Week" Link in the shop sections on the right hand side of the page.
Good day everyone! =)
I have nothing of value to say, but the box up there asked me to leave a comment. So. Yep.
Haha...! XD Wow I didn't know that my note of leaving comments behind would work. Thanks Aaron, you're one unpredictable man.