Monday, June 28, 2010

Quest for the black bouquet

My mentor Andy held a grand opening for his brand new floral school! To celebrate, he held an exhibition of floral arrangements made by everyone who are willing to put in.

What makes this event even more special is that Andy had incorporated his passion for the colour black in every aspect possible. His new studio is filled with black furniture. Him and his assistants always wear black outfits to work. So it seem natural that the theme of the exhibition would be, "Quest for the black bouquet"

It's very interesting that as a world class florist his favorite colour is seldom found in a natural floral materials. So I guess you could say that this exhibition is a step forward in completing that journey to explore the not-so-obvious possibility.

I was only signing up as a new student the day I got offered to put in a piece for the exhibition. And here is my piece:

I'm so grateful that Andy is open to combine my interest in wire jewelry and plants for this piece. This piece is made out of thick, but light aluminium wire that is wrapped with 5mm black ribbon. (Took me about 5 hours to just wrap the entire wire with ribbon). I decorate it with pearls and garnet with swarovski crystal that sits at the throat area as focal. Just before the necklace is being displayed I worked on putting the fresh baby roses and ivy leaves in incorporate the floral element. Without water, I knew the baby roses will shrivel up after being displayed for a day so I named the piece "Rose Tea Lariat"

I had no time to shop around for fabric to dress the mannequin, but the batik that's been sitting idle in my cupboard for months had proved itself to be useful! =)

Click on this link to see photos of other exhibitors:

Enjoy! =)

Still here!

I don't know if anybody reads my blog but I still feel guilty about not updating it. I'm not trying to make excuses, but there are reasons for that. The internet at home is not fast enough to update photos. When I had an office job, I used to be able to upload photos at work. I have now lost that advantage.

Admitedly, the only thing that suffers is not just this blog, but the speed in which I update my new items in shop and updating facebook photos.

To make it even worst, I have discovered from my recent trip to Shanghai that China had banned facebook, blogspot, and google. They didn't block Etsy, thank God. I think I would suffocate if they did. With that being said, I had a lot of fun in Shanghai. =)

So worst comes to worst, I often visit the closest starbucks from home to buy my tall vanilla chai latte and high speed internet.

I just want to share treasuries that have included items from my shop. They're not that new now, but I've been itching to share this and am still very honored and excited to be included by these artist.

Treasuries compiled by Sema from

"Choose your Style" featuring my mountain tears earrings

"My best friends" featuring my gift box:

"Rain, rain go away" complied by featuring my partly cloudy earrings:

Many thanks for you both in adding my items in! I love the look of them as always!:D

Sunday, June 6, 2010

So says my shrink(s)...

It has been exactly a month since I last post on this blog, and a little over a month now since I’ve quit my graphic design job in my dad’s massive family business. I have to admit, I had been quite distracted in the past month, but I’d like to think that the time had been well spent. Since I’m completely free, I have finally discovered waking up with a full doze of sleep every night and then never seem to find enough time during the day to do the things that I wanted to with my excess energy.

So in the past month I have been going to the gym a lot more regularly and enjoying it immensely. I have also taken that bridal floristry course that I always wanted. I pay my visits to the studio every second day on average. I played with flowers, hang out with the housewives, other artists and joke around with my teacher and his assistant. I think about planning my wedding every now and then. It’s still 5 months away, but most decorations are going to be handmade, so it’s fun to take the time to do some research, practice new techniques and hunt for treasures around Jakarta. I’ve discovered supply stores that are so incredible that even Jakarta’s signature chaos, smog, rubbish and crazy traffic doesn’t stop me from wanting to go there often.

So while enjoying the good life and happy for once, I have also been seeing a shrink. My dad asked me to and I obeyed him without much curiosity. So one morning I showed up to this guy's office, still only half awake I realized that I don’t even know the name of the person I’m seeing.

It turns out my sessions with the shrink had been very helpful and relevant than I expected. He was willing to talk to me through every important facet of my life that may threaten me to stumble if I wasn’t prepared, such as premarital counseling, realizing past family problems that affects me as a person now, and career.

Career happens to be my current primary concern. We discussed about my inability to focus on one subject long enough to make a career out of that subject. My fiancé told me that in average, a person would change their career 7 times in their lifetime. Well… I'm still 24 and in the past 3 years I’have finished a music degree, worked as a florist, worked in an office, worked as a part time graphic designer and of course maintaining my Etsy shop as a jewelry maker. 5 completely different career, done in 3 years! Clearly, isn’t that a proper recipe for trouble? I begin to wonder if I may have escaped from being diagnosed with ADD, hence my inability to focus on anything.

I brought up this issue to my florist mentor, Andy. He is open to a wide range of artformsother than just flowers. His knowledge, easy going personality and non-judgemental nature made him more than just my mentor. He could easily be my ‘other’ shrink. He told me before he chose flowers as his primary medium, he also did a wide range of other things. He was formally trained in interior design, he was also trained in piano, cake decorating, hair and make up artist. He chose flowers as his medium because he saw the need for more creative flowers arrangements in Jakarta. It is something new that hadn’t been done before, and also because flowers don’t last long. Once they are arranged, they are thrown away and his job is cleared.

I brought up to him my interest in jewelry amongst others. He was very supportive to that idea for various reasons. He encouraged me to leave everything and take formal training. I wasn't so sure how to tackle that idea, but then he started talking to me passionately in what he called his ‘broken english’,

“Make sure you stick to the jewelry for AT LEAST 5 years Ok?! Don’t look to left and to right and then cheat on other things like a person cheat on their boyfriend or girlfriend! Otherwise before you know it you think you like cooking, and then you like eating and then become the person who taste food and then the person who writes about food and then becomes a journalist and bla, bla, blaaa…!!!”

Yes my dear sir, point taken. I get it. No cheating.

Now we shall see what will happen...